Publication standards

In accordance with the quality criteria required both by  ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) databases, and in order to be included in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), the following standards for publication of papers in the RCDI are established as mandatory.

1. Formal rules of presentation

1.1. Author:

  • All papers submitted for publication in RCDI must contain the following information:
    • Name and surname(s) author(s).
    • Academic degree or professional status of the author/s.
    • Complete address and institutional affiliation of the author(s) (position, institution/company, complete mailing address, and telephone number).
    • E-mail of the author(s).

1.2. Heading:

  • At the beginning of all work, the following data must be recorded:
    • Title of the paper, which should accurately reflect the content of the article, in Spanish and English.
    • Next, the authorship will be collected as explained in 1.1.
    • Abstract of the article with a maximum of 250 words.
    • Summary of the article in English (abstract).
    • Keywords: 5 to 10 keywords.
    • Key words in English.

1.3. Extension:

  • The STUDIES will have a length between 25 to 40 pages.
  • OPINIONS and NOTES, from 10 to 25 pages.
  • JURISPRUDENTIAL STUDIES, from 10 to 20 pages.

1.4. Tipo de letra:

  • Word processing: Word.
  • Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12 p., Single spacing (No bold or underlining).
  • NOTES in Times New Roman, size 10, single spaced.

1.5 Structure of the work:

  • In addition to the heading, all should contain a SUMMARY at the beginning, which should follow the following guidelines:

III.- 1. A. In italics.
IV.- 1. A. a) In round.
V.- 1. A. a) a´) (if there were).- In round.

  • It will end with brief CONCLUSIONS, which should be preceded by a Roman numeral.

I.- .....
II.- .....
III.- ....

  • An INDEX of the resolutions cited or not, always in connection with the subject, should be added at the end of the paper, which should be cited according to the following scheme:

P. ej. STS of October 22, 2002. (No dots in acronyms).

  • Finally, there will be a BIBLIOGRAPHY section, which will include the bibliographical references in alphabetical order, according to the form expressed in the following section.

2. Rules for the preparation of bibliographic references

For the enumeration of the specific BIBLIOGRAPHY on the subject treated, and for the NOTES at the end of the paper, the following APA (American Psychological Association) format standards, contained in the Manual of Style, will be followed: Manual de publicaciones de la Asociación Americana de Psicología, available at

  • Book:

APELLIDOS, Inicial del nombre. Año (entre paréntesis). Título de la obra en cursiva. Lugar de publicación: Editorial.
Ej: GOMEZ GÁLLIGO, J. (2000). Lecciones de Derecho Hipotecario. Madrid: Marcial Pons.

  • Book Chapter:

APELLIDOS, Inicial del Nombre. Año (entre paréntesis). Título del capítulo. En: Inicial Nombre y Apellido (ed./dir./coord.), Título del Libro (en cursiva). Ciudad: Editorial (pp. inicial y final).
Ej.: PARRA JIMÉNEZ, Mª Á. (2000). Comentario al art 211. En: J. Rams Albesa (coord.), Comentario al Código Civil, Tomo II, Vol. 2º. Barcelona: Bosch (pp. 1764-1790).

  • Article:

APELLIDOS, Inicial del Nombre. Año (entre paréntesis). Título del artículo. Nombre de la Revista en cursiva, nº de la revista, páginas inicial y final.
Ej.: GÓMEZ PÉREZ, A. (1969). Los alimentos debidos a la viuda encinta. Revista General de Legislación y Jurisprudencia, núm. 2, 373-401.

  • Electronic document:

Además de lo indicado anteriormente según sea libro o artículo, debe indicarse [En línea], la dirección URL y la fecha de publicación o la de su más reciente actualización.
Ej.: GÓMEZ POMAR, F. (2001). Carga de la prueba y responsabilidad objetiva. InDret [En línea], núm. 40, disponible en

  • It is important to remember that the way of citing in text corresponding to the APA norms varies from the traditional one, so that:
    • In the case of bibliographical references in text, they are introduced in the text itself as follows: (author, year of publication and page). The complete citation is developed according to the rules just described in the bibliography at the end of the article, not at the foot of the page.

Ej.: La viuda encinta se hace merecedora de los alimentos (GÓMEZ PÉREZ, 1969, 373), por lo que sería conveniente…

    • Both citations with bibliographic reference and NOTES that are explanatory or informative, will always appear at the end of the article, correlatively numbered, and not on the page where the citation is to be inserted.

The Editorial and Editorial Board of the Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario will reject papers that do not comply with the publication standards indicated.