Mandatory nature of statutory period of payment ex Law on late payment, nullity of payment period longer than statutory one, control of unfair terms and lack of contesting the unfair term
Law on late payment, Mandatory nature of statutory period of payment, Nullity of payment period longer than statutory one, Control of unfair terms, Lack of contesting the unfair termAbstract
The Spanish Supreme Court confirms the mandatory nature of statutory period of payment ex Law on late payment (Ley 3/2004, de 29 de diciembre, de lucha contra la morosidad en operaciones comerciales) in the Spanish Supreme Court’s Decision of 23 November 2016 (núm. 688/2016), confirmed in the Spanish Supreme Court’s Decision of 19 May 2017 (núm. 318/2017). The Supreme Court declared that statutory period of payment (60 days) is mandatory and the nullity of a clause establishing any payment period longer than statutory one. As an exception, where a procedure of acceptance or verification, by which the conformity of the goods or services with the contract is to be ascertained, is provided for, the maximum duration of that procedure does not exceed 90 calendar days from the date of receipt of the goods or services. The creditor should be entitled to claim the interest, despite of the lack of contesting the unfair term.