Challenges of the modernization of public records in Cuba. Integration, unification or data connectivity?
Public records, Modernization, Integration, Unification, Habeas dataAbstract
Advertising systems are modernized in order to provide a better service without neglecting the main effect of providing legal security. There is talk of integration and unification, when what is really needed is interconnection, because due to the peculiarity of the different advertising objects, it is impossible to guarantee a single computerized registry of all matters subject to legal publicity. Cuba has already promulgated Decree-Law 355/15 on the system of public records system, defining the system as the set of public records, integrated and computerized in order to guarantee its rational and coherent operation, avoiding repeated information, which it finds today dispersed and fractionated. Difficult endeavor that requires technological rather than legal scaffolding and in whose integration the peculiarities of each advertising object con not be lost sight of