Public Sector Support for Fintech financing alternatives for developers and builders: a comparative study of Crowdfunding taxation


  • Sofía Borgia Sorrosal


Real estate Crowdfunding. Tax incentives. Alternative financing sistems. Equity Crowdfuding. Crowdlending, Fintech


In a context of economic crisis, the real estate sector, as the main engine of the economy, needs public authorities to adopt measures to facilitate access to credit for housing claimants, thus facilitating the placing of their products on the market. On the other hand, promoters and builders have for some time been calling for complementary measures to encourage new alternative financing systems to facilitate the flow of credit also to companies. This paper provides a brief overview of the main measures taken by some countries in our environment to facilitate access to credit for housing claimants. However, where this study really focuses is on the analysis of Crowdfunding as a possible alternative financing system for developers and builders. The following sections review the taxation of Crowdfunding and carry out a comparative study of the tax incentives adopted by some European countries to promote this alternative financing system. It also reviews the main risks and difficulties that accompany Crowdfunding and that can be an obstacle to its development and implementation.


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How to Cite

Public Sector Support for Fintech financing alternatives for developers and builders: a comparative study of Crowdfunding taxation. (2020). Critical Review of Real Estate Law, 780, 2191 a 2226.