RCDI Awards
The TWELFTH PRIZE “CRITICAL REVIEW OF REAL ESTATE LAW” is announced in accordance with the following RULES:
l.° The endowment of the prize will be 2,500 euros.
2.° The prize will be awarded to the work that, in the opinion of the Jury, is the best of those published in the RCDI between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2025, in any of the magazine’s sections, whose author has expressly opted for the award and is under the age of forty on the date on which the article was sent to the RCDI requesting its publication. May be awarded ex aequo with another author.
3.° The authors who wish to apply for the award must have so stated in writing addressed to the Secretary of the RCDI before March 31, 2026. Authors who are part of the RCDI Editorial Board in the year of submission of the work may not apply.
4.° The Jury will be made up of the President of the Editorial Board and the Directors integrated in the Executive Committee. The Secretary of the RCDI will act as Secretary of the Jury. The President of the Editorial Board will be President of the Jury.
5.° The award will be reviewed in the Review of Real Estate Law.

Eleventh Prize of the “Real Estate Law Review Magazine”
The Tenth Prize of the Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario has been awarded to the best paper published by young authors Real Estate Law to the best paper published in the journal by young authors during the years 2022/2023 was awarded to Mrs. BRISEIDA SOFÍA JIMÉNEZ GÓMEZ, for his work work «La hipoteca mobiliaria sobre los derechos de propiedad industrial», published fundamental and human rights in conflict", published in issue 789, corresponding to January-February 2022.
The Jury was composed of the following persons: President: Mr. Francisco Javier GÓMEZ GÁLLIGO, Chairman of the Board of Editors of the Editorial Board of the Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario; Mr. Francisco MARÍN CASTÁN; as well as by Mr. Basilio J. AGUIRRE FERNÁNDEZ, Counselor-Secretary of the Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario, who acted as Secretary of the Jury . The award Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario was instituted in 2004 for the best work published in the published in the journal, in any of its sections, by authors under 40 years of age. under forty years of age.
Tenth Prize of the “Real Estate Law Review Magazine”
The Tenth Prize of the Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario has been awarded to the best paper published by young authors Real Estate Law to the best paper published in the journal by young authors during the years 2020/2021 was awarded to Mr. HÉCTOR SIMÓN MORENO, for his work work "La ocupación de viviendas sin título habilitante y los derechos fundamentales y humanos en conflicto", published fundamental and human rights in conflict", published in issue 786, corresponding to July-August 2021.
The Jury was composed of the following persons: President: Mr. Francisco Javier GÓMEZ GÁLLIGO, Chairman of the Board of Editors of the Editorial Board of the Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario; Mr. Francisco MARÍN CASTÁN; Mr. Celestino PARDO NÚÑEZ NÚEZ MARÍN CASTÁN; Mr. Celestino PARDO NÚÑEZ; as well as by Mr. Basilio J. AGUIRRE FERNÁNDEZ, Counselor-Secretary of the Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario, who acted as Secretary of the Jury. The award Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario was instituted in 2004 for the best work published in the published in the journal, in any of its sections, by authors under 40 years of age. under forty years of age.
Ninth Prize "Critical Review of Real Estate Law"
The Ninth Prize of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law has been awarded for the best work published in it by young authors during the years 2018/2019, in ex aequo, to Ms CRISTINA ARGELICH COMELLES, for her work «Consumer remedies for abusiveness in non-financial instruments”, published in number 771, corresponding to January-February 2019, and to Mr JUAN PABLO MURGA, for his work“ Tourist homes and communities of owners: status quaestionis and possibilities of action in light of the new article 17.12 of the Horizontal Property Law ”, published in number 775, corresponding to September-October 2019.
Likewise, it was agreed to award a second prize to the work "Mortgage in common hand, withdrawal of co-creditors and conflict of laws: a practical case", by ANTONIO GARCÍA GARCÍA, published in number 774, corresponding to July-August 2019.
The Jury was made up of the following people: Ms MARÍA EMILIA ADÁN GARCÍA, President of the Public Corporation of Registrars; Mr Francisco Javier GÓMEZ GÁLLIGO, President of the Editorial Board of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law; as well as by Mr Basilio J. AGUIRRE FERNÁNDEZ, Counselor-Secretary of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law, who in turn acted as secretary of the Jury. The Critical Review of Real Estate Law award was established in 2004 for the best work published in it, in any of its Sections, by authors under forty years of age.
Eighth Prize "Critical Review of Real Estate Law"
The Eighth Prize of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law for the best work published in it by young authors during the years 2016/2018 was unanimously awarded to Mr Jacobo Fenech Ramos, for his work «Use of electronic means in the description of real estate », published in number 761, corresponding to May-June 2017. The Jury was made up of the following people: President: Mr Francisco Javier Gómez Gálligo, President of the Editorial Board of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law; Mr Juan Luis Gómez Lafuente, Director of the Research Service; as well as by Mr Basilio J. Aguirre Fernández, Counselor-Secretary of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law, who in turn acted as secretary of the Jury. The Critical Review of Real Estate Law award was instituted in 2004 for the best work published in it, in any of its Sections, by authors under forty years of age.
Seventh Prize "Critical Review of Real Estate Law"
The Seventh Prize of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law for the best work published in it by young authors during the years 2014/2015 was awarded ex aequo to Mr Héctor Daniel Marín Narros, for his work “The control of transparency of the floor clauses of mortgage loans at a variable interest rate established in the SSTS of May 9, 2013, September 8, 2014, March 25, 2015 and April 29, 2015 ”, published in number 752, corresponding to November-December 2015 and to Mr Víctor J. Prado Gascó for his work "The system of graphic bases as a coordination instrument between the Property Registry and the Cadastre", published in number 746, corresponding to November-December 2014. The Jury was made up of the Members: Mr Gonzalo Aguilera Anegón, Mr Eugenio Rodríguez Cepeda and Mr Juan María Díaz Fraile, members of the Executive Committee of the Critical Magazine; as well as by Mr Francisco Javier Gómez Gálligo, Counselor-Secretary of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law, who in turn acted as secretary of the Jury. The Critical Review of Real Estate Law award was established in 2004 for the best work published in it, in any of its Sections, by authors under forty years of age.
Sixth Prize "Critical Review of Real Estate Law"
The Sixth Prize of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law for the best work published in it by young authors during the years 2012/2013 was been awarded to Mr Luis Javier Arrieta Sevilla, for his work “The registration qualification in the Registry of the Digital and graphic property ”, published in number 740, corresponding to November-December 2013. Mr Luis Javier Arrieta Sevilla is a Contracted Doctor Professor at the University of Navarra. The Jury was made up of the following people: President, Mr Luis Diez-Picazo y Ponce de León, in turn President of the Editorial Board of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law; Members: Mr Gonzalo Aguilera Anegón, Mr Eugenio Rodríguez Cepeda and Mr Juan María Díaz Fraile, members of the Executive Committee of the Critical Review; as well as by Mr Francisco Javier Gómez Gálligo, Counselor-Secretary of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law, who in turn acted as secretary of the Jury. The Critical Review of Real Estate Law award was established in 2004 for the best work published in it, in any of its Sections, by authors under forty years of age.
Fifth Prize "Critical Review of Real Estate Law"
The Fifth Prize of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law for the best work published in it by young authors during the years 2010/2011 was awarded to Ms María del Carmen Luque Jiménez, for her work "The registry control of the building" , published in number 720, corresponding to July-August 2010. Ms María del Carmen Luque Jiménez is a Contracted Professor at the University of Malaga. The Jury was made up of the following people: President, Mr Luis Diez-Picazo y Ponce de León, in turn President of the Editorial Board of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law; Members: Mr Alfonso Candau Pérez, Mr Luis Fernández del Pozo and Mr Juan María Díaz Fraile, members of the Executive Committee of the Critical Review; as well as by Mr Francisco Javier Gómez Gálligo, Counselor-Secretary of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law, who in turn acted as secretary of the Jury. The Critical Review of Real Estate Law award was established in 2004 for the best work published in it, in any of its Sections, by authors under forty years of age.
Fourth Prize "Critical Review of Real Estate Law"
The Fourth Prize of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law for the best work published in it by young authors during the years 2008/2009 was awarded to Mr Gabriel de Reina Tartière, for his work «The Equality of Mortgage Rank» published in the number 706, corresponding to March-April 2008. Gabriel de Reina is a Professor at the Argentine Catholic University. The Jury was made up of the following people: President, Mr Luis Diez-Picazo y Ponce de León, in turn President of the Editorial Board of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law; Members: Mr Alfonso Candau Pérez, Mr Luis Fernández del Pozo and Mr Juan María Díaz Fraile, members of the Executive Committee of the Critical Review; as well as by Mr Francisco Javier Gómez Gálligo, Counselor-Secretary of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law, who in turn acted as secretary of the Jury. The Critical Review of Real Estate Law award was established in 2004 for the best work published in it, in any of its Sections, by authors under forty years of age.
Third Prize "Critical Magazine of Real Estate Law"
The Third Prize of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law for the best work published in it by young authors during the years 2006/2007 was awarded to Iñigo Mateo y Villa, for his work "De la fiducia gestión" published in number 704 , corresponding to November-December 2007 and to Francisco Redondo Trigo for his work "The Martian Pact, the ‘ex intervallo’ pact and the ‘cum creditore’ trust in the financial guarantees of Royal Decree Law 5/2005", published in the number 699, corresponding to January-February 2007. Iñigo Mateo is a Property Registrar and Francisco Redondo, a practicing lawyer. The Jury was made up of the following people: President, Luis Díez-Picazo y Ponce de León, in turn President of the Editorial Board of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law; Members: Eugenio Rodríguez Cepeda, Juan José Pretel Serrano, Manuel Amorós Guardiola and Juan María Díaz Fraile, members of the Executive Committee of the Critical Review; as well as by Francisco Javier Gómez Gálligo, Counselor-Secretary of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law, who in turn acted as secretary of the Jury. The Critical Review of Real Estate Law award was instituted in 2004 for the best work published in it during that year.
Second Prize "Critical Review of Real Estate Law"
The Second Prize of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law for the best work published in it by young authors during 2005 was awarded to Ms María Goñi Rodríguez de Almeida, for her work “The prescription of the mortgage action: extinction of the guaranteed obligation and subsistence of the mortgage”, published in number 690 corresponding to July-August 2005. María Goñi Rodríguez de Almeida is a Doctor of Law and professor of Civil Law. The Jury was made up of the following people: President, Luis Díez-Picazo y Ponce de León, in turn President of the Editorial Board of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law; Members: Eugenio Rodríguez Cepeda, Manuel Amorós Guardiola and Juan José Pretel Serrano, members of the Executive Committee of the Critical Review; and by Francisco Javier Gómez Gálligo, Counselor-Secretary of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law, who in turn acted as secretary of the Jury. The Critical Review of Real Estate Law award was established in 2004 for the best work published in it, in any of its Sections, by authors under forty years of age. The following Award for the best works published until December 31, 2007 is hereby announced.
First Prize "Critical Magazine of Real Estate Law"
The First Prize of Critical Review of Real Estate for the best work published in it by young authors during 2004 has been awarded to Ms María José Achón Bruñén, for her work “The problem regarding the eviction of third-party occupants of auctioned properties”, published in number 681, corresponding to January / February 2004. María José Achón Bruñén is a Doctor in Procedural Law and with another work she was also the winner of the First Prize in the magazine La Ley. The Jury was made up of the following people: President, Luis Díez-Picazo y Ponce de León, President in turn of the Editorial Board of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law; Members: Fernando Méndez González, Manuel Amorós Guardiola and Celestino Pardo Núñez, members of the Executive Committee of the Critical Review; and by Francisco Javier Gómez Gálligo, Counselor-Secretary of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law, who in turn acted as secretary of the Jury. The Critical Review of Real Estate Law