Actos de disposición realizados por un único cotitular o copartícipe en la comunidad hereditaria sobre el íntegro bien o derecho o atribuyéndose la representación del resto Breve análisis doctrinal y jurisprudencial
Disposal acts, Co-owner or co-participant, Coheir, Transferable effects or obligations of the contract, Ways to acquire the domain, Sale of someone else’s property, RepresentationAbstract
The execution of acts of disposition carried out by a co-owner or co-heir, presenting himself as the sole owner of the thing, or attributing a false power of representation, is not a peaceful issue in the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, having been the subject of numerous studies that have tried to clarify the transferable or obligatory effects that derive from it or the ineffectiveness regime applicable to the business concluded. This requires making a brief reference to the system of transmission of real estate property in Spanish Law and how it determines the admission of the sale of another's property in our system.
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